Monday, December 12, 2011

Investing in Structured Settlements

Often some derelict will be awarded some huge amount of money from a noble company due to a run away jury in a Kangaroo Court. Since many times the company paying the money out agrees on a structured over time settlement, the plaintiff of course is a lowly human and has lots of desires for riches and he has little if any cranial capacity to understand the enormous gift the courts have grated him as our nation turns in to a socialist quagmire of re-distributing wealth to those who do not deserve it. Yes a few have been damaged and do deserve something, but usually not. If you disagree with that, you are wrong and I am right.

Now then, since these folks who are future Darwin Award Winners and probably free T-Shirt Jerry Springer guest stars have these huge structured settlements you can make some money by buying these structured settlements from them. For instance if a man receives a 10 million dollar settlement over ten year, he will receive 1 million per year. But he may want all the money now instead so he can go buy stuff? So you may be able to give him 6 million in cash now and you get the 10 million over ten years. This means you get a 40% return guaranteed over the next ten years. Now then such an investment is not as good as others in that your annual rate of return is only 4% and many of us know that in the stock market over time we have seen 7.7% annual returns. But it is something to think about. Now then, what if some one receives 1.2 million over 5 years and you give them 500,000 in advance? Now things are looking a lot better aren't they? Any way think on this.

Purchase Structured

Investing in Structured Settlements

Friday, December 9, 2011

Viatical Settlement Companies

Death may be the only sure thing in life, and gambling on it may sound disconcerting to many. Viatical settlements involve selling the life insurance policy of a terminally ill person to a company who pays a lump sum cash amount in return for the policy. The companies buy the policy at a reduced rate of the face value, sometimes as much as 50% of the face value, and then collect the death benefits after the person's demise. Morbid as they may sound, but viatical settlements can provide relief to terminally ill people whose life expectancy has been predicted to about two years or so.

This is basically a high-risk transaction, as life itself is unpredictable. The viator (seller) may outlive the predicted life expectancy, and in this case, the company who buys the policy will stand to lose. The longer the person lives, the lower is the return value of the policy.

Purchase Structured

A terminally ill person may wish to sell his policy to raise cash to in order to ease the financial strains of his final days or to leave something for his children or grandchildren.

There are many private companies who purchase the life insurance policies. They, then become the beneficiaries on the demise of the original policyholder. Before selling the policy, ensure that you are selling to a funding company and not a broker company. This is because broker companies are not the actual buyers and they may or may not act in your best interests.

Also, the buyer companies have their own rules for buying the policies. They would run a checklist on your policy. For example, most companies prefer that a policyholder has had the policy for at least two years. They may also ask you to sign a release allowing them to access your medical records.

You should not accept payments on installments. As per New York State law, all funds must be received at the time of sale. Also, there should be no hidden fees involved at the time of sale.

Viatical Settlement Companies

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How To Build Profits With Structured Settlement Leads

One of the most profitable businesses to surface in recent years has been the buying and selling of structured settlements. Such settlements have been awarded to millions of people, many of whom would love to have a lump sum of cash immediately rather than waiting years for the tedious monthly payments they currently deal with. Some have medical issues that call for immediate use of their money or are in financial straits and need their cash now. However, finding such people can be a daunting prospect given the size of our population! Fortunately, there are professionals who have created databases for just such a purpose!

Structured Settlement leads can be your door to more business than you ever dreamed possible. Instead of operating on a wing and a hope by cold calling, bulk mailings, or other expensive and time-consuming "blanketing" techniques, let a professional lead company create a customized client database to your specifications. These are potential clients who have already been awarded a structured settlement, which are now looking to exchange it for a lump sum of cash in the shortest time frame.

Purchase Structured

You will be given such pertinent information as name, address, phone number, email address and details of their settlement such as how much they receive monthly, duration and total award, saving you incalculable hours of data collection. Moreover, if you have been paying someone to do such work for you, you will now save that expense as well. The most time consuming and "iffy" part of the process has been streamlined for you by the companies who screen and digest the applicable data of your specific market so that you don't have to!

With Structured Settlement leads when you make the initial contact with a client you already know you are speaking to a viable lead that welcomes your communication and wants to hear what you have to say. Closing the deal has never been more direct or faster. Most people, given the opportunity prefer their money in one lump sum so that they can make large one-time purchases such as homes, real estate and vehicles more easily. You can offer them the freedom and flexibility they need to utilize their own funds while building your bottom line!

How To Build Profits With Structured Settlement Leads

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Downside of Structured Settlement Loan

If you won in a lawsuit, you are entitled to a structured settlement. As an award, the court will order the insurance provider or the company to pay you an amount which is just and reasonable. The money is a big help especially if you have lots of debts during times of appearing in court. You will be receiving an agreed amount either semi-annually or annually. The best thing about it is its ability to assist you financially. You don't need to worry of running out of cash for you will be receiving timely payments. However, sometimes people with structured settlements opt to go for a loan.

The loan is called structured settlement loan. Instead of receiving the money semi-annually for a stated period, you'll be receiving a lump-sum amount by providing your structured settlement as collateral. Many are doing it because of some financial emergencies like medical bills or other obligations. Some will be using the money to purchase a home or a car. What you will have is large amount of cash to purchase anything you want. Sounds attractive to grab, right? But before you go and get the loan, you should know the disadvantages of structured settlement loan. Sometimes, we only look for the positive side of things and we tend to neglect the downside.

Structured Settlements

If you really need big amount of money, I can't blame you if you will go for a loan. Large amount of money will be immediately yours once your application is approved. Sometimes, you are not contented for just a small amount but good for longer periods. Or in times of financial difficulty, we don't have any choice at all. One of the disadvantages of structured settlement loan is the lesser amount of money you will be getting in availing it. If for example, the settlement has a value of ,000, don't expect to receive a full amount. There are charges imposed by the financial company and you are the one responsible to pay.

It all boils down to business profits. How will the lender gain income if there are no charges? Unlike other types of loans where you need to make monthly payments, in this case you don't need to. With the lump-sum money coming from the financial institution, you don't have to pay it back. This is because the lender will be receiving the settlement payments in return. The structured settlement loan is a form of assignment where your receivable will be collected by the lender. But try to analyze it thoroughly; it is you who is losing in this battle. You will not be receiving an amount worth of the settlement.

You will be paying for interests as well. The bottom line about the loan is the loss of money. So you better think twice about getting a structured settlement loan. It's not all about the advantages but you should consider as well the disadvantages. You must be very clear about where the money will go. If you really don't need the money, then might as well be contented with the payments for longer periods.

The Downside of Structured Settlement Loan

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Tax Advantage of a Structured Settlement Payment

Structured settlement payments are a key part of any settlement between both parties and because it involves financial numbers, it automatically factor in some issues over taxation. Let this tiny bit of information illustrate how a long-term agreement can give you tax advantages.

When a person sues another person due to some sort of injury and wins the case, the claimant will receive monetary compensation for the loss through a settlement payment agreement.

Structured Settlements

Before, settlements come in the form of a lump sum but this proved to be very demanding on the spot for the paying party. The solution in the recent rimes is the payments which are gaining popularity because of its practicality and benefits for both parties.

As a substitute to a single lump sum payment, the claimant will be compensated a monthly settlement payment for an agreed period of time Choosing a series over the lump sum amount means a guaranteed source of long-term income for even a whole lifetime.

One of the highlighted benefits of these regular payments is the excellent tax advantages that come with it. It is basically income exempted from taxes unlike the usual salary or other forms of income like royalty or dividends.

For the record, there is no income tax on structured settlement payments since 1982. The tax savings itself makes this option of maintaining the long-term monthly payments very attractive. Over the entire period of the settlement, such savings is a big amount in itself.

A decade ago, there are problems with issues on the burden of taxation over transactions of transferring or selling of settlements. Insurance companies asserted that their clients or even their companies are at the losing end with the dealings in structured settlement selling.

When an individual sells, the annuity obligors suffer tax consequences. This became the source of several litigation in the past between insurance companies and settlement purchasers and annuitants.

With the enactment of the Structured Settlement Protection Act, it will further benefit these individuals receiving the monthly regular payments. Such regulation also clearly mandated that annuity providers will also not suffer from further tax consequences as a result. The law clearly states that annuity owners and providers do not owe any taxes as a result of these transactions.

Selling your structured settlement payments will make you lose many tax benefits in the process. Selling this guaranteed income has only an advantage of large yet single payment. Before deciding, it is best to consult with your financial advisor regarding selling your structured settlement payments. Your advisor will definitely help in defining with what you will lose in the process, especially the tax savings you will forego.

The Tax Advantage of a Structured Settlement Payment

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Benefits of Structured Settlements

Before getting into the benefits of structured settlements, it might be a good idea to explain what it is. A structured settlement, sometimes referred to as a periodic payment judgment, occurs as a result of a lawsuit where there is a considerable sum of money to be paid out. Usually the amount is broken down into payments and put on a schedule to be paid out over time. Payments can be made monthly, yearly, or every couple of years, depending on the agreement. The payments can extend over a period of many years. A person receiving the payments is referred to as the payee or annuitant.

So What's Good About Them?

Structured Settlements

Settlement Payments are tax free. This goes for the State level as well as the Federal level. The income received from this type of agreement is not considered annual gross income and is therefore not taxable.

Structured settlements mean more security. Regularly scheduled payments over a specified period of time adds security for a lot of people; especially for senior citizens living on a fixed income. It is less likely for them to be taken advantage of if they only have smaller amounts of cash as opposed to keeping large amounts on hand. They also offer security for children seeking a college education. For example, a settlement can be set up that will pay for college tuition. This settles the question of how they will pay for their schooling. Another way structured settlements add security is from the fact that most insurance companies that make these payments are some of the largest with the best reputations in the country.

Structured settlements take the worry out of your financial future. They add to the security of knowing that you will have some form of income in the future. Lump sum payments are taxable. In addition, it's possible to misuse a large sum of money - but not as much with smaller payments. This is particularly beneficial if there are living expenses as well as medical expenses that need to be met with these funds. Also, payments can be arranged to last the lifetime of the recipient.

Settlement payments do not affect Social Security benefits. As a result, the money an individual will receive from Social Security will be more per payment - which will help those on a fixed income. They also cannot be touched in divorce proceedings. Creditors cannot claim this money in payment of debts.

Structured settlement payments are cheaper. A settlement may eliminate lengthy court proceedings. The parties may opt to settle the case and never step foot inside a courtroom - which can be rather costly.

Ultimately, settlements that pay out over time can be very helpful in certain situations. For instance, individuals incapacitated whether temporarily or permanently, those that lack financial investment savvy, people that will require ongoing medical treatment or rehabilitation, minors.

I am not a legal expert, nor am I licensed to buy or sell a structured settlement. For more information on creating structured settlements and a counterpoint to selling them, see John Darer website.

The Benefits of Structured Settlements

Thursday, December 1, 2011

How to Negotiate Your Structured Debt Settlement

People in dire financial straits often think of declaring bankruptcy and avoid payments of all debts. This strategy, though attractive to some people, should be the last option for any one with serious debt problems. There are other ways of settling debt and structured debt settlement is one of the best ways of ensuring complete payment of a hefty debt over a set period of time. If you are looking for structured debt settlement then you should try the structured debt settlement plans. They are different from ordinary settlements in a number of ways. The major standout feature is the amount that is paid over the set period of time.

Structured debt settlement will enable you to either pay large sums in monthly or quarterly payments or small amount of money in monthly payment. Negotiation is the key to ensuring complete elimination of debt without incurring any losses or paying any hidden charges. The first strategy that you can apply to settle your debt is to contact your lender. You need to be open about the difficulties that you are facing. Try to enter into a structured settlement deal with the original lender. It often happens that original lenders do not agree to these plans. Many refuse outright while others add plenty of additional charges to make the payments higher for the clients. There are some lenders that agree to structured settlement plans but only after you have presented your case well.

Purchase Structured

It is therefore recommended that you should contact a debt settlement company that deals specifically in structured payments. There are plenty of companies that offer structured debt settlements. There are however two main types of businesses that will help you in settling your debts. First are the companies that do not offer new loans and do not buy any loans from you. They act as facilitators and consultants and guide you through the whole process of debt settlement. Experts at these companies will guide you on negotiating with your original lender. They will prepare documentary proofs and other paperwork that will be used in finalizing settlement deals. These companies will charge you a set amount for their services.

The second type of companies offer more than just financial consultancy. They are eager to buy your loan at prices that are either lower than or equal to its market worth. They will buy the loan and will enter into a deal with the original lender. You will thus remain out of the loop and will not have to enter into any tough financial negotiations. These companies often charge significant fees and add hidden charges into the final settlement deals. Some other companies will even add taxes and other payments into final deals and you will end up paying a huge amount.

Structured debt settlement deals can be negotiated with these companies but only after you have done your homework. A negotiation with the original lender is a preferable option given the ease with which you can negotiate the final settlement plans.

How to Negotiate Your Structured Debt Settlement

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sell Structured Settlements for Cash With Ease

If you want to be able to sell structured settlements for cash you need to have the right information readily available. The selling of them can be delayed if you don't have the documentation that you need to verify the settlement.

First make sure you are working with a reliable company who buys structured payments. They should be committed to helping you get a fair price for your settlement. They should also be able to explain all the details to you step by step.

Structured Settlements

You will find that there are many willing buyers out there. Contact several of them locally. You can also do some searching online. Many of the websites allow you to do some side by side comparisons.

Familiarize yourself with the basic process if your going to sell structured settlement. You may be walking in foreign territory. However, when you understand the basic playing field you can be well informed. You can also feel in control over what is taking place. Make sure you ask lots of questions if you aren't finding the answers you need.

You should be talking with an attorney and financial advisor as well. They can tell you if they think this is right for your financial needs and future goals. They can also review any offers you get to see if they think you are getting a solid offer or being taken advantage of.

They are professionals in that area so you need to pay attention to the advice they give you. What they have to say can help you to sell structured settlements for cash with ease. At the same time they can help you to feel good about the offer you get. The last thing you want is to have regrets down the road about the process and the money you got.

Before you look into a structured payment you really need to think about what you will be using the money for. You don't want to get that lump sum payment and just blow all of it. That could lead to a severe financial hardship for you down the road. You may be better off to only sell part of the settlement so that you can have future monthly payments as well.

Look for a company that will also take care of all the legal elements of the structured settlement for you. The courts in your area have to agree to the settlement as does the one who is legally obligated to pay you. They can take care of the leg work of contacting those individuals. Once they get that approval they can file with the court to get that settlement approved.

Sell Structured Settlements for Cash With Ease

Friday, November 25, 2011

Structured Settlement Companies

There are many things that you should consider if you are looking to find structured settlement companies to work with you about buying your structured settlement. There are a wide variety of different choices that you will have and some of them include selling all of your future payments for a lump sum. The best part about choosing a company to do this with is knowing the security that you are not going to be ripped off especially if it is known as one of the best companies to work with for this type of issue.

The biggest problem that people who have structured settlement payments coming to them face is the ability to pay the bills that they have now. In a lot of cases these individuals actually have a problem with finding the best choices for being able to sell their structured settlements to. So to be able to figure out what is needed and how to be able to have the best luck with structured settlement companies there are some tips that you should consider.

Structured Settlements

The first tip that anyone should tell you is to take your time when looking for someone to give you a lump sum amount on a structured settlement. The reason that you should take your time is to maximize the amount of money that you are going to get. You want to make sure that you are finding the right structured settlement company and not a company that is going to rip you off. In addition you want a company that is going to be easy to work with and give you the fewest headaches possible over such issues. If you try and make your decisions too quickly you could end being disappointed in the future or even feeling as though you have been taken advantage of.

The next tip is to try and make your decision without your emotions. If you are emotional people and companies will see this as a weakness and they will try to take advantage of you. There are even companies that use a specific strategy where they try to be friends with you in order to get you to sell to them at a much lower lump sum total then you would have gotten with other companies. Be aware of such tactics and make sure that you are not fooled. You do not want to choose a company because the people were nice to you, only to find out that you would have gotten a lot more money from different structured settlement companies.

Finally you should be looking for a company that is willing to answer any and all questions that you might ask. If a company is not willing to answer a question or if you feel like the real answers are being avoided then you might want to check into things and see how legitimate the company really is. The company should be willing to answer and all questions and to treat you well in the process no matter how many questions you might have. Keep this in mind and you be sure to find one of the best structured settlement companies around.

Structured Settlement Companies

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Cash For Structured Settlement Payment? Why?

Using this method of settling litigation differences provides a financial instrument, nearly the same as an annuity, and makes a way for lawsuit settlements to generally be paid for in the form of a steady flow of money in place of a one time payment.

Commonly, such benefits tend to be settled over a hard and fast space of time (period certain payments) or perhaps such time as the victim's death (lifetime payments).

Structured Settlements

Then again, often the installments can be "methodized" to incorporate both an initial lump sum payment and some sort of periodic amount of cash.

Even though those kind of plans are generally, largely put together as a result of a personal injury court action, this specific settlement solution has been utilized in conjunction with employment conflicts and discrimination occurrences in addition to contractual quarrels.

Precisely Why are Settlements Structured?

Settlements might be structured for various different motives, making an effort to take into account the potential needs of a plaintiff and provide the best revenue stream.

In these kinds of cases, the plaintiff, or his or her guardian, will buy structured settlements to make certain the plaintiff has a trustworthy steady flow of cash all the way through his / her lifetime.

Sadly, this kind of set up can easily develop into a burden resulting from deficiencies in flexibleness as well as lack of ability to adapt to life's events.

You may need the chance to sell structured settlements to offer the economic versatility to expand the budgetary options for yourself and your family.

In unusual scenarios, some firms are prepared to develop structured settlement loans for short term money needs.

But nevertheless, because these entail a similar level of judicial review, they're not prevalent.

Does A Firm Really Have to Buy Structured Settlements In Their Entirety?

No way.

In actuality, one of the most frequent scenarios will involve a seller that wants a certain lump sum payment for one specific intent. When the lump amount is modest enough, the organization wanting to purchase the particular annuity will make an offer to buy some of the actual flow of cash installments instead of the entire thing.

An honest company who really wants to acquire structured settlements works along with the seller to find out the most effective way to get the particular lump sum payment desired even while retaining a certain amount of overall flexibility. The organization uses the data supplied from the seller and enters the data into a structured settlement calculator in order to get a quotation for the seller to judge as well as evaluate.

How Long Before I Get My Money?

The typical seller gets his / her cash within just 4 to 6 weeks from the time the paperwork is actually finished. The difference in time period is usually caused due to the fact that every seller has different circumstances which could delay or perhaps extend the time of settlement which includes, omitted documentation along with the requirement to get court authorization.

The corporation helps the seller in accelerating the procedure.

May I Need to Pay Income Taxes For the Funds I Get?

Well, that depends on a few things.

While U.S. law says that funds from a pain and suffering settlement are tax exempt, the different state laws may vary from state to state. The preferential treatment afforded personal injury installments is actually codified under the IRS Code Section 5891 (2001).

On the other hand, if your damages have been paid out together with a job dispute, the actual lump sum payment might be construed as taxable income. You should consult with you tax expert on this matter.

Cash For Structured Settlement Payment? Why?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Is It Better To Get A Structured Settlement Loan?

If you have a structured settlement, you may have considered selling your annuity to the highest bidder and be done with it. However, you may want to consider instead a structured settlement loan.

Structured settlement loans, or annuity loans, are when an annuity recipient borrows money against future annuity payments that they will be receiving. After paying a fee, you will have the money you need up front, and you can pay for the loan out of the monthly annuity payments you are receiving.

Purchase Structured

If you are trying to decide between a loan and selling your annuity outright, consider that a loan will take a little bit longer to process. Most annuity sellers will get their money within 45-60 days, while the loan may take up to 90 days. Court approval is also required for obtaining a loan on your settlement.

However, getting a loan on your annuity will most likely cost you less money overall then a sale would. Also, loans can cover any number of payments, while annuity buyers prefer 50% or more of your total annuity.

When you decide to take out a loan on your annuity, make sure to get all of the facts and figures up front. You may need an attorney or financial adviser to help you pick a good loan company to work with. Make sure to check into the reputation of the structured settlement loan companies.

Always ask for a quote. You should know up front how much of your annuity you will be getting, any taxes or fees involved, and also what the interest rate is your loan. If you are unsure of the quote or what different fees are involved, don't be afraid to get a third-party involved to give you leverage. However, if the interest rate is more than 10%, you may want to consider selling your structured settlement instead.

Is It Better To Get A Structured Settlement Loan?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Structured Settlement Payment Vs Lump Sum Payments

If you have recently won a personal injury lawsuit or a worker's compensation claim you might be faced with the dilemma of choosing between a lump sum and a structured settlement. With the settlement option you will receive periodic payments over a period of time. Both the options have their pros and cons and the choice is subject to individual circumstances. For example if you have deep debts which require fast cash you can choose the lump sum. You may even choose lump sum payments if you are confident that you will invest it right. However the temptation to spend all the money you receive through these payments might be greater and you might end up squandering your money over things you don't need.

Is Structured Settlement Payment the Best Option?

Structured Settlements

If you choose this option, you can organize and divide your settlement in a way that offers a certain portion of the payment immediately and spread the rest of the payment over time. The payments are predictable and this option is now being recognized as great options for long lasting income. The Congress has also showed its support towards this option by exempting them from federal and state taxation.

You can choose to structure it for any number of years. However this form of payment brings with it the inflexibility to use your money over the years. But with the help of an experienced company you can sell your settlements and enjoy the financial freedom you need.

Every individual case has personal considerations which will help determine the right choice. It is best to discuss with an expert the pros and cons of both the options for your case before you choose.

Structured Settlement Payment Vs Lump Sum Payments

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Best Services in Structured Settlement Company

For some people, actually having to manage a large sum is worrying. Some simply worry that they will waste their money and would prefer a regular income based payment model for this season. It's a good choice. If a structured settlement is thrown into the mix then those considering it may well want to take expert advance to build the right kind of settlement in of course the right structured settlement company. This is especially important if the injury compensation is based on a case of long-term or severe disability or injury.

The costs involved with adapting a home and a lifestyle of the clients of the structured settlement company, for the example, can be extremely high. An independent structured insurance settlement specialist may be able to advice on the best options at this stage. Beside that, compensation claims that are managed by the SS company give a long-term option that the individual will be given regularly payments for a specific period of time. Depending on the country of residence, these payments may well also be tax free. It often possible to negotiate with the exact term of the insurance settlement company, for the example, an individual may be able to negotiate an upfront lump sum payment to start with followed by an annuity based payment structure thereafter.

Purchase Structured

Many people simply like the security that given by the structured settlement company. The following may be considered as benefits of a structured settlement for claimant and include, but are no limited to structured disposition that may provide up front settlement cash for immediate claimant needs. The payment annuities tax free unlike most proceeds from a lump sum from the ss company. Beside that, the other claimant, such as, structured agreement may provide guaranteed income. There is also settlements annuities that guaranteed by the ss company for the specified amount, duration and frequency of the payments. Compensation annuities also may provide beneficiary protection in the events of premature death of the claimant.

Structure settlements may include income tax and spendthrift requirements as well as benefits that given by the structured settlement company. This kind of company always provide their best services for their clients, because when the ss company have an order they have to give their best services or they will lose many of their clients, because they are entrusted. In some cases, they will give their professional adviser to solve their client's problem.

The Best Services in Structured Settlement Company

Thursday, November 17, 2011

How to Transfer a Structured Settlement

It isn't as easy as it used to be to transfer a structured settlement. As of 2002 the rules changed so that all transfers have to first be approved by the courts. This wasn't done to make it harder for those with such a settlement to get money. Instead, it was done to protect them from being cheated by various buyers out there.

The first option is to start looking around for who you will transfer the structured settlement to. There are quite a few entities out there that offer this type of service. They want to buy the remainder of the funds you will receive and in exchange give you a lump sum that is lower than that amount. They will also charge you fees for processing and take them out of what they give you as the settlement amount.

Structured Settlements

You will want to carefully evaluate all of your options so that you get a great deal in the process of the transfer. You may need the money now rather than later so it isn't in your best interest to just have those monthly coming in but in smaller amounts. There is a great deal of paperwork that has to be completed for the transfer of a structured settlement to be completed.

You need to carefully read through all of the details and guidelines. That way you have a clear idea of how much money you will get, who you will get it from, and when you will get it. Then you need to have legal council review it with you as well. They may not agree to the terms you seem comfortable with and it is a good idea to heed their professional advice.

You never want to try to transfer a structured settlement on your own. Get great council that has the expertise on such matters. They can guide you through it, explain the legal jargon to you in plain English, and even help you to complete the entire procedure in less time. Then when your structured settlement transfer request goes before the courts there is a very good chance you will get the green light and your money.

How to Transfer a Structured Settlement

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Accident Structured Settlements - All You Need to Know For 2009

You may have had a terrible auto accident and it wasn't your fault. Finally you received a fair compensation of money called an accident structured settlement. It may have taken years to get your accident case settled. Pain and suffering was almost intolerable. Now you are starting to get better. Accident structured settlements often come with cash up front to cover most of your immediate bills and then the rest of the settlement is scheduled out for payments. The time is over 5, 10 or 20 years depending on the settlement. This may have sounded good when you finalized the settlement in court, but now the money is not adding up well for you. Your accident structured settlement may be paying you 0 per month for the next 15 years. This may seem good in the start, but now after injuries start to heal you find out that other long-term injuries may have set in the terms seem bad now. You may have to go to chiropractor or message every week these related new expenses add up over time. You may have to go to therapy every week, buy special equipment and pay for transportation. You may have spent money from your savings, 401k, family funds, and just a few years after the accident you may be out of saved money. Other expenses can be on:

Side treatments Intermittent time off and other injury rehab costs Education costs Household expenses may need to be paid from past due amounts New home or mortgage payments Furniture Disaster recovery Medical bills piled up Transportation

Purchase Structured

Over the last few years the injuries from your accident may have stopped your ability to do house repairs, lawn work and other past easy things. These once easy things now cost more money to get done you can't do them yourself anymore. The bills after the accident may have piled up again from the abilities that you have lost. The 0 per month now doesn't go very far. Because of off and on injury pain, consistent work may have been impossible. So the bills continue to pile up. You think enough is enough! There are accident structured settlement cash solutions. Many people like you are getting their life back now with new changes in the law. Years after your accident you find out you need more money again just to get out of the fast hole you have gotten into. make sure you get all your questions answered when talking to these companies. It is very important that they explain clearly your rights and your state's options. Make sure a reasonable lump sum is offered for your future payments.

Check online for Present Value of Money calculators to cross check the company's offers. Only do a deal with a well established finance company or one that you are sure you can trust. Now the laws are updated so that it permits a judge's court order for the need of cash. Finally, you get the cash and clear head resolution you need from your accident structured settlement. Until recently accident structured settlements were pretty much locked in to the low payments over the specified term. As of 2008 most states permit by a court order, payments to be exchanged for cash. Now the state laws have updated and people are now in most states able to sell their accident structured settlement future payments to a factoring finance company for large amounts of cash though it would be less than the long term value of your payments.

This is great news so you can now get out of the financial mess from piled up bills. There are many factoring finance companies trying to buy injury settlements, just Google the phrase- Accident Structured Settlements - and you'll see a whole bunch of companies advertising to buy your future settlement annuity payments. More sites that talk about purchasing of future settlement payments in exchange for a lump sum that I found on Google include: a Structured Settlement Finance site, Stone Street, J G Wentworth, PPI Cash- structured settlement funding, Peachtree Funding, Novation Capital and many others. Search on Google to see the many like these. The settlements are mostly in the form of an annuity.

Accident Structured Settlements - All You Need to Know For 2009

Monday, November 14, 2011

Structured Settlement Loans - The Important Details You Need to Know

When two parties have undergone a legal case and one of them has to pay the other, that situation sometimes call for structured settlement payments. This is because the losing party, or the side who is obliged to pay the dues as a result of legal action, is sometimes not capable of paying monthly annuities; the receiving end meanwhile sometimes prefer to receive a bigger amount of money rather than waiting for it to come at a scheduled day of the month.

Parties who are obliged to pay legal dues therefore seek the help of an insurance company who thus provides them with an annuity policy. This policy is thus used to make the payment to the receiving end at a faster, more efficient timeframe.

Purchase Structured

Why are structured settlement loans helpful?

These days, more and more people prefer structured settlement payments. This is basically because the money comes faster rather then given at installment payments at a longer timeframe. Structured settlement loans also work in the benefit of the losing party, since they get to settle their bill faster, and give them more time to pay the money lent by the insurance company. Besides, it's not really fun to deal with debts for a long period of time; you'd rather have them settled faster, as this saves you not just from your budget worries, but also emotional stress.

Also, there are recipients who would need a larger amount of money than the sum they expect to receive. This may because of different reasons; they might need to pay for their medical expenses, prepare for retirement, have plans for investment, or purchase a piece of property. If they don't get the sum they need, then they won't be able to fulfill their dues or plans of purchase.

How do structured settlement loans work?

Structured settlement loans work as follows: the person who wants to sell his structured settlement submits the proper documents to those who buy settlements. The documents include the insurance company issuing the structured settlement payment, as well as the insurance policy. The settlement purchaser meanwhile provides a quote, and if the seller agrees to the offer, then they come to a mutual agreement.

Since structured settlement loans are becoming more common in the United States, the country has come up with laws to help parties sell their settlements without putting much risk. This is of course very helpful since they payments are kept safe and protected from scams.

Also, because of its growing popularity, acquiring a structured settlement loan is now easy to do. A lot of insurance companies now purchase structured settlements in exchange of a free quote. This becomes beneficial for both ends since the money to be received now is always more valuable than the money you can get tomorrow. With this, recipients can use the money in better ways than one, and the profits reaped can be bigger than what they were supposed to receive.

Structured settlements are not only a result of legal action; you can find these with lottery winners, as well as people who are granted with large amounts of money, and getting in its full, or at least in larger installments at a shorter period of time is more favorable than any other option.

Structured Settlement Loans - The Important Details You Need to Know

Sunday, November 13, 2011

What is Cash For Structured Settlement?

Most companies offer Cash for Structured settlement as a result of workers compensation, or personal injury. Formally recognized in 1983, the structural settlement was specified as a voluntary agreement between an injury victim and the defendant.

Before you enter into any agreements, you should consider your options to ensure that the financial position of the company is good to avoid the risk of default of your cash after you sign over your annuities.

Structured Settlements

Professionalism, style and experience are the key factors to be considered in choosing a structured settlement company.

One should work with companies which conduct business professionally and in an ethical manner, be experienced and demonstrate results in what they do and provide comfort and peace of mind.

Structured settlement is beneficial to users as it is a loophole for tax avoidance while, settlements funds are also saved for future use.

Before you sell your settlements, you should consider the following factors. First, ensure that there are no legal restrictions as well as contractual limits which make selling of your settlements impossible.

Secondly, look at the tax considerations since most of the settlements offer tax savings as compared to cash settlement.

It is advisable to seek professional help from either your accountant or your lawyer who will advice you on the consequences of your decision.

Cash for structured settlement enables individuals to sell part or all of their annuities for a sum of cash. This enables people to meet financial emergencies. Individual also use the cash to pay off their debts or buy a home.

Since it takes time for one to sell annuities, you should plan ahead to avoid disappointments and unnecessary delays.

The lump sum value of your payments usually depends on the amount and when it is due. The schedule of payments is usually outlined in the structured settlement agreement.

Settlement transaction factoring is the best interest used for the Cash for Structured settlement. However, courts can determine the interest rates on a case by case basis since there is no 'best interest'.

Discount rate was relatively high due to expenses caused by litigation but this reduced considerably after the enactment of state and federal legislation. The discount rate has been associated with home loans though a little higher rate than the home loan interest rates.

Discount present value determines the present value of payments to be made in future using most recent rates provided by the federal rate.

Cash for Structured settlement offers you a chance to receive lump-sum and acts as an alternative funding made to meet your needs.

What is Cash For Structured Settlement?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

How To Get Cash For Structured Settlements

When you are considering getting cash for structured settlements, there are a few important issues to consider. While the process may seem complicated, getting professional advice with the legal issues will make it much easier. Nevertheless, you still have to do your own due diligence and be certain that you are getting good advice and will be paid the appropriate cash payment for your annuity.

Hire an experienced legal advisor

Purchase Structured

You can ask some of your present legal contacts or search online to get the names of advisors with experience in working out arrangements for cash for structured settlements. After the initial contact, request references from previous customers and review their professional credentials. A good legal professional will be able to find possible buyers for your structured settlement, explain the contract terms-especially the small print, and help you determine which offer is the best deal.

Know your rights

Most states have laws that allow the sale of all or part of the payments from a structured settlement. Check the laws in your states to be sure it is permitted. This is another area that your advisor should know the about the particular conditions in your state.

Be sure you are dealing with a reputable buyer

Unfortunately, any transaction that involves money brings a lot of unscrupulous operators who are only interested in stealing your money. Carefully investigate the buying company and get comparisons of rate before making a decision. Check with your local Better Business Bureau to see if there have been any complaints. Find references for the company and its owners and especially find out how long they have been in business. Selecting a company to handle your cash for structured settlement deal is extremely important and every effort must be made to be sure you are working with legitimate and honest people.

Why do you need cash from your structured settlement?

Be sure you are clear why you need the cash and how much cash you actually need. You do not have to sell all of your future payments; you can sell only as many payments as needed to generate the amount of cash you want. Determine how much effect the discounting of the future payments will have on your total financial plan. While getting the cash now may solve the immediate cash problem, you want to be sure that you are leaving enough payments to pay for your living or medical expenses in the future.

The Procedure

Negotiating a contract to receive cash for an annuity is not a quick process; be prepared to take 60-90 days to complete the transaction.

Educate yourself by talking to other people who have done the same thing and meet with several advisors. The more you learn about the process, the more comfortable and sure you will be that you are being treated fairly. Don't be in a hurry to get started with the first company you meet.

How To Get Cash For Structured Settlements

Friday, November 11, 2011

How to Build a Structured Sales Pipeline

Following on from my earlier article "Developing a structured pipeline - The Issues" this article describes how to build the all too elusive, structured sales pipeline.

So to recap: what should a structured pipeline report aim to achieve?

Purchase Structured

Firstly, it should enable you to view each sale in a consistent manner.

Second, it should clearly identify if a sales opportunity has progressed or stagnated.

Thirdly, it should contained a factoring index which will more accurately reflect the true value of the pipeline

Fourthly, it should provide sales and/or company management with a consistent and reliable prediction of business that should be closed in the forthcoming period.

Fifth, it should be simple and relatively easy to complete (salespeople as a breed are poor at filling in reports).

Sixth, it should be focused on numbers rather than opinion.

To build a consistent view of each sales opportunity take the sales cycle in your business and break it down into discrete milestones.

So for example,

- Milestone 1 is a lead or an enquiry who has identified desire to purchase your product or service.
- Milestone 2 to progress the sale you need to demonstrate the product
- Milestone 3 they have the budget to pay for your product
- Milestone 4 you have submitted a proposal
- Milestone 5 you're on the shortlist
- Milestone 6 you have a verbal order
- Milestone 7 you have a written order.

The next step is to put percentages against these milestones for example,

1) 5%,
2) 10%,
3) 20%,
4) 25%,
5) 50%,
6) 90%,
7) 100%.

This approach allows you to build a factored pipeline i.e. the value of the opportunity time the percentage milestone. Don't get hung up about whether the percentages should be this or that number what we are building is something that will give you a consistent view across all your sales opportunities and not something which reflects the precise chance of winning per opportunity. The progress of the sale can be shown in any way you like; this could be as a table, a graph, or a set of traffic light colours going from red to green as you move along the sales process. Other information you need is simple the prospect name, if it is a new or existing customer, the value of the opportunity and a projected win date.

By constructing what I have described you've gone a long way to getting a grip on your sales performance, you've now turned sales reporting into a set of numbers which over time you can analyse. For example you'll see which sales have stagnated because they wont have moved along the pipeline for a period of time, you'll be able to identify how overoptimistic you sales force are by comparing the projected win date with the actual win date. Most commonly this is between 3-6 months.

Now that you have a factored pipeline you can start to build up metrics on the relationship between the size of your pipeline and your monthly sales. It also now enables you to look forward because as your factored pipeline rises and falls to will your sales, thus you can act early as soon as you see your pipeline numbers dip.

You're now at last starting to get some sensible numbers to enable you to plan your business and you have moved from a jolly nice chat to a shorter focused and more effective sales meeting. As the Meerkat would say "simples."

How to Build a Structured Sales Pipeline

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Selling Structured Settlement Payments

As most of us know, selling structured settlement can prove to be insufficient to meet your financial needs. When it comes to selling these, you will find that people will be more likely to do cash out settlements. Therefore, you should be careful of the wording you will use in your settlement agreement so that it cannot give the wrong impression. In the event that one uses restrictive wording in their agreement, you will find that it might prohibitive to allow any transfer of the said settlement.

The confusion that this can result in might come at the time when one is in dire need of the settlement cash. A structured settlement is normally an agreement between you and your insurance company. What happens is that the settlement is executed so as to enable you to access a claim that you made.

Structured Settlements

In the event that an insurance company settled your claim by buying annuities that are in your favor, you will find that you will not be able to sell it as the annuity will belong to the insurance company and not you. This is one of the prohibitive clauses that will give you difficulty when selling them.

Though you might not be able to sell it to gain a lump sum, you will find that the settlement will give you a number of payments that will like installments. This means that the right for you to get your payment can be considered as an asset. In this perspective, you will find that anyone who has an asset has the right to retain it or sell depending on their wishes.

Even though this is possible, you will find that the justice system has made this process to be a bit difficult. This is because such settlements are considered as a source of financial stability and that is why the justice system will encourage the payment of these settlements but at the same time will discourage the sale of these settlements. This issue has led to the problems that most people are having when they try to them.

With a good lawyer and financial adviser, you may be able to convince a court to a point that they will allow you to sell them. These are the general issues that have been known to affect structured settlements.

Selling Structured Settlement Payments

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Steps for Obtaining Cash for Structured Settlement

Obtaining cash for structured settlement annuities is a complex matter. While this option can be appealing to those in need of lump sum cash, it may not be the best financial solution. Selling future annuity payments is prohibited in many states, so Annuitants must first determine if their state of residence allows the sale.

To obtain cash for structured settlement payments, Annuitants must find a reputable funding source. These might include private investors, investment groups, annuity brokers, or cash advance companies. The key to success is wisely choosing the funding source.

Structured Settlements

Take time to thoroughly investigate anyone claiming to buy annuity payments. Use the Internet to obtain background information, company reviews and testimonials. Arrange a meeting and ask plenty of questions.

When Annuitants sell annuity payments they assign payment rights to the funding source. Annuitants can elect to sell settlements in whole or part. The majority of states which allow the sale of future annuity payments require Annuitants to obtain court authorization. Courts rarely allow Annuitants to sell their entire settlement.

Structured settlements are used to provide monetary awards to individuals who have been seriously injured. They are also used to payout jackpot lottery winnings. Annuitants who receive payments as injury compensation typically require funds to pay ongoing medical expenses or to ensure their standard of living remains the same as before they sustained injury. In order to sell structured settlement payments Annuitants must provide compelling evidence as to how the sale will enhance their life.

In addition to obtaining court authorization, Annuitants must also obtain approval from the life insurance company which guarantees future payments. Most companies frown on this type of transaction because it requires specific documents to be filed along with monitoring payment schedules.

It is recommended to work with a structured settlement attorney who can submit required documents, plead the case in court, and obtain authorization from life insurance companies. Lawyers who specialize in this field may also be able to refer professional annuity brokers who can help clients obtain the best price. Funding sources charge fees when providing cash for structured settlements. Annuitants rarely receive full face value due to market fluctuations.

Annuitants should be prepared to provide specific information regarding their settlement to the funding source. Most require contact information for the life insurance company which guarantees annuity payments, along with dates and payment amounts of future annuities.

Annuitants should also determine the exact amount of funds required. People often want cash for structured settlement annuities to payoff outstanding debts, medical expenses, or education costs, as well as for starting or expanding a business. Others require funds for investment purposes.

A proposal is submitted to funding sources who review the structured settlement to determine current market value. An offer is presented and if the Annuitant accepts, a contract is executed. The contract is submitted to court for approval. After receiving court approval, funding sources complete the transaction and transfer funds to Annuitants.

The average timeframe for completion is between 6 and 8 weeks. Annuitants should fully understand the risks and fees associated with selling structured settlements prior to signing contracts.

Steps for Obtaining Cash for Structured Settlement

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Buy Structured Settlements and Get The Financial Security

Also the buyer will be researched. He must be a reputable person or institution with a solid financial status. To be able to execute the plan to buy structured settlements a buyer has to use an experienced consultant, who has a long track record from this industry.

The reasons to buy structured settlements are many. Some seek for the carefree financial solution, which offers a sure periodic payments. Some seek for the high ROI targeting to the low purchasing price, to a tax free feature during a period of the low inflation.

Purchase Structured

1. Who Will Sell Them?

The specialized companies buy and sell the structured settlements. Some of the settlement recipients see the lump sum better, because their financial situations have changed, so they sell the policy to these buyers, who then sell them further.

2. Do Business Only With The Reputable Companies.

There are lots of scams in this market, so the first thing, when you plan to buy settlements is to get the correct references about the long term, trusted operators. Some settlements come from the lottery winnings, for instance. The internet is a useful tool to dig the names of the legal and reputable companies and to ask quotes, which you need around five to be sure the price level is competitive.

3. How To Evaluate The Buyer?

After you have prepared a short list of three best companies based on the online quotes, it is a time to go and meet these companies. You can ask the length in business, the references and what is their business policy. Contact the past customers and check also the key financial figures.

4. The Court Handling Is Needed.

As said the selling and buying settlements requires a court decision. To prepare the decision the court research the sellers motive to sell and the background of the buyer. If the sale is beneficial to the seller in his new situation, the deal will be accepted. An experienced broker can determine, what argument is good for the court handling.

5. The Future Security.

When you buy settlements you will get a good financial protection for the future. The policy is sure and easy to manage, because actually no management is needed. And it is not possible to loan against the policy, which leaves the plan untouched. This is a good option especially for the minors and for people, who are not capable to manage the future financial planning.

Buy Structured Settlements and Get The Financial Security

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Get Several Structured Settlement Quotes Before Selling

You have been issued a structured settlement due to inheritance, the lottery, or an insurance claim. The money trickles in a little every few months, and the bills are piling up higher than the checks. You decide to sell your annuity to one of the many reputable, structured settlement purchasing companies, so that you can get the most of your money up front instead of in small doses; one of the most important steps before you finally sell your annuity is to make sure you get a quote for your sale.

Millions of people have structured settlements, or annuities, and many of those choose to sell their settlements for a lump sum. There are many local and national laws to protect those with structured settlements who choose to sell them. For example, an annuity buyer is required by law to disclose all fees up front, a law that is underused by many sellers all over the country.

Structured Settlements

To make sure you get the most of your structured settlement, make sure to choose a few companies with good, solid reputations and have them give you a quote. Whether you are selling all or part of your annuity, this can save you quite a bit of money (and headaches). Getting several quotes will allow you to hunt for the best buyer for your annuity.

Quotes from annuity buyers require full-disclosure by law, so a quote should be laid out with all fees, discount rates, and totals in an easy-to-read format. You may also want to get a third-party involved, if you are unsure what exactly you will be signing, and whether or not you're getting a fair deal. When you do decide to sell your annuity, the final outcome should be a sense of relief, not wondering if you have done the right thing. A simple quote can give you some peace of mind, and a little extra padding in your wallet.

Get Several Structured Settlement Quotes Before Selling

Friday, November 4, 2011

Structured Settlement Company - Where and How to Find the Best

After you have been awarded with the settlement as appeasement for the injuries inflicted on you and the trauma that you experienced because of the accident, there are certain choices that you have to make. For starters, you have to decide what you want to do with your structured settlement. If you decide to keep it, all you have to do is to wait for the monthly payments and spend the money as you please. On the other hand, if you decide to sell it in exchange for fast cash, you have to find a structured settlement company to take the settlement off your hands.

A structured settlement company is just like any other financial institution except that it has a very specific budget that is allocated for the purpose of purchasing settlement agreements such as those that are awarded to plaintiffs. Looking for one is quite easy these days because all you have to do is search for them on the internet. You can get as much information that you need regarding the companies that cater to people like you who are trying to obtain money in exchange for their settlements.

Structured Settlements

Once you have located a structured settlement company, the next step is to determine how much they are offering for your settlement. A caveat that you need to be aware of is that these companies would most likely stiff you with the payment because it is the only way they can make money off the purchase of your settlement. Although it is expected that you will take a loss when you sell the settlement, you should not have to accept very low offers. Draw the line at 80%-85% as this is the fair market value of your asset. If by any chance you come across a company that would offer more than 85%, do not waste time and seal the deal at once.

Structured Settlement Company - Where and How to Find the Best

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Structured Settlement Frequently Asked Questions

There are some frequently asked questions about structured settlements that many people have. Here are some of the most common ones to help you get pointed in the right direction. Keep in mind though that there can be guidelines that apply that are very specific to a given situation.

Should I sell my structured settlement?

Structured Settlements

Some people are very happy to get a monthly, quarterly, or annual payment. It is enough for them to do what they would like to with the funds. Others though have large amounts of debt, medical bills, need to get a home or a vehicle, or want to buy a business. Therefore, it may be worthwhile to sell the settlement. You have to look at your own needs. The options you have will also depend on the laws that apply in the state where you live.

Is it legal to sell a structured settlement?

As long as there aren't any stipulations in the settlement about you not being able to sell it that you agreed to it is legal. However, you do want to take your time to read all of the details of any proposed offer on the table. You aren't obligated to accept any of them. You want to decide who can offer you the best deal if you are going to sell it.

How much do I have to pay to sell my structured settlement?

You should never have to come up with any money up front to sell your structured settlement. If you agree to sell it then any fees for processing, legal entities, and more have to be fully disclosed. They will also be deducted from the settlement amount you get.

Do I have to pay taxes on structured settlement payments?

Taxes are a part of life and they apply to all income that a household receives. You will have to pay taxes on the amount of the settlement that you receive in a given tax year. It is a good idea to find out how that will affect your tax situation. Since no taxes are taken out you may owe money to the IRS when you file. You may want to have a savings account to put a portion of your settlement in each month for such purposes.

Structured Settlement Frequently Asked Questions

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cheap Structured Settlement Loan

A structured settlement loan has been known to be helpful especially to anyone who will be in need of financial aid before the structured settlement has been approved by a court.

Also, a structured settlement loan can help someone who does not want to wait for the process it entails so as to receive payment.

Structured Settlements

When you win the lottery or get damages from an accident or lawsuit, you will most likely be paid through the structured payment process.

The justice system has come up with this type of payment so that those people who are not used to handling colossal amounts of money may be able to control the money that they receive thus preventing them from spending the money that they got unwisely.

Before this system was invented, you would find that most of the people who received large settlements were prone to going on gross spending sprees that led to them being broke in a short while.

This in turn would affect the economy of a country as they would have to depend on government handouts instead of being in a position that could be helpful to nation building.

On the other hand, you will find that there are those people who are focused and investment minded.

Such people will need a structured settlement loan in the event that there is a lucrative investment and they don't have the capital to invest in it.

The loan can go a long way in providing them with the possibility of investing their structured settlement such that by the time they start receiving payments, they might even be in a position to clear the loan.

There are very many companies that are ready and willing to give a structured settlement loan for a certain fee.

This loan will be found to be repaid in a comfortable number of installments.

Using this method, the person who has been awarded a structured settlement will be able to receive a lump sum that can go a long way in helping one be able reduce debts and financial related problems.

There are different methods these companies use to be able to give someone a loan.

They can give you the amount you desire even if it is not the lump sum. This percentage can be repaid with a higher interest but will in the long run not put your complete structured payment in risk.

A loan has been known to be a bit tricky to complete payments and that is why anyone who is taking out this type of loan should be sure and should do it when there is no other alternative.

Cheap Structured Settlement Loan

Monday, October 31, 2011

Personal Injury Settlement and Divorce

You and your spouse gain assets and liabilities throughout your marriage. Unfortunately, if you decide to get divorced, you have to discuss clearly who gets what. Everything you have purchased, received, or saved while you are still living together should be divided accordingly. When this time comes, you should be ready to sit down with your soon-to-be-ex-spouse and negotiate a financial settlement.

Preparation for divorce settlement is as stressful as the negotiation itself. Thus, to get a successful settlement, you should primarily: (1) have a clear understanding of the present situation and (2) seek professional assistance from reliable lawyers to ensure the security of your interest.

Purchase Structured

Before sitting down for negotiation, make sure that you thoroughly consider the following things:

- Know exactly what your marital assets are

- Decide how you can both benefit from shared business or professional practice

- Consider support for the family, especially the children

- Determine and consider your pension and its beneficiaries

- Focus more on real value, rather than sentimental ones

- Differentiate what you need from what you want.

- Be realistic with your demands

Remember that you must be represented and advised well to be able to negotiate effectively. Know what part of your marital assets and married life you can realistically expect to keep, not only as you prepare to negotiate your settlement, but as you live your life apart from the other person.

A team of a lawyers, CDFA, and even a therapist (if emotional aspects become an issue for either of you) can help make you understand your rights, your needs, and your true feelings before you get ready to negotiate with your spouse.

Divorce can be one of the most stressful and difficult experiences you will ever face. It can be hard to think clearly and be rational during this emotional time. So do not forget to seek the help of reliable professionals during this trying time.

Personal Injury Settlement and Divorce

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Imperial Structured Settlements

One of the foremost finance companies dealing with the purchase of structured settlement payments rights are imperial structured settlements. People involved in lawsuits and settling for injury, wrongful death or malpractice often claim their compensation in periodic payments. This however is not useful for those people n need of upfront cash. This is where imperial structured settlements help by giving an advance after obtaining heir settlement.

Imperial are pioneers in the field having revolutionized the process of structured settlements since their inception. As members of national association of settlement purchasers, the practices, credibility and strength provided to the industry are determined by the trade associations.

Structured Settlements

Each client will be assigned a dedicated account executive available from the commencement of the call till the final court hearing guiding you with every step and analyzing your choices,

Imperial has competent and experienced team to review the documents about your specific case and retort back to you with all your options. Once you decide on the path you wish to take, imperial team will help you providing documents and contracts to sign and then reduce them to a judge for approval. This process usually gets over as quickly as in 45 days.

After that, it is only a matter of time before your settlement is transformed into lump cash. Whether it is needed to buy a property, settle debts, pay educational fees or start u a business, imperial structured settlements provide with all your needs. They also help in providing retirement funds from annuities. But if you require lump cash at the moment, imperial structured settlements turn your annuities into money within 2-3 weeks after obtaining the necessary documents.

One of the most trusted sources in the industry; Imperial Structured Settlements develop customized solution to meet the needs of each specific situation. They help in obtaining cash by providing fast access to wealth that you posses but would not receive until sometime in the future.

A structured settlement is a financial or insurance arrangement, including periodic payments that a claimant accepts due to a settled lawsuit or self-owned annuity. However, this can be turned into outright cash by using the services of our company.

Whether you've settle a lawsuit for Personal Injury or hospital staff have made a mistake resulting in malpractice claim. whether there is malfunction in a product you purchased resulting in harm or someone close to your was killed, imperial will help in providing monetary sum outright without having to wait every month to receive your payment. This is especially helpful because the value of money fluctuates over time. 10$ today is not worth 10$ tomorrow. Thus, it is helpful in buying out your settlement and investing them on your own towards any trail you wish to follow.

Imperial helps you by buying your settlement payments and thus giving you control over your financial planning. You can thus invest this cash or use it towards any means you see fit. Imperial structured settlements cater to all the consumers needs to providing a satisfactory and brighter future.

Imperial Structured Settlements

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Structured Settlements Versus Lump Sum Payouts

Customers have three payment options at the time of the request or complaint is resolved: 1) a lump sum in cash, 2) regular payments through a structured settlement annuity, or 3) a combination of cash payments and structured.

In recent years, always involved personal injury settlement lump sum payment. While the payment was tax-free, money earned by the settlement was less invested in tax exempt municipal bonds.

Structured Settlements

Customers can choose cash settlement to take the riskwith their economic systems, during both stable and volatile periods. Customers requiring continuous care and support usually do not have the luxury of being able to weather ups and downs of the market and fluctuating income, especially when medical emergencies, accidents are part of life. Managing Director of the lump sum is a life long, possibly even a concern.

To reduce the risks associated with lump sum payments, the Internal Revenue Service agreed to endAnnuities, settlements, to finance the wounded with all income tax-free pensions.

With the wounded to receive tax-free pensions guaranteed income benefits by an A or A + rated life insurance issued. Customers can choose to receive 100 percent of the funds through a structured settlement annuity or a combination of an annuity with a cash component for immediate or emergency situations.

Setting up of protection

The safety of a structuredMunicipal pension depends of course on the financial stability of the life insurance responsible for paying the benefits. Therefore, only highly rated life insurance companies is used.

Solvency standards, and state and federal regulations to protect the insured retirement in many ways. Regulators use of conservative accounting and investment rules, the insurer maintained by high levels of investment in risky assets. The investments are generally of high quality investment gradefixed income securities. Structured settlement annuities enjoy competitive returns compared to other conservative investments in addition to their tax-exempt status.

In California, companies structured settlements are first approved by the California Department of Insurance. The department evaluates the ability of the insurance carrier to pay and if the carrier complies with California. Carriers are also mandatory annual audits and other financial complianceRequirements.

By regulation, all pensions reserve assets that are equal to or greater than the corresponding payment obligations. In addition, activities which are not removed from the reserves of life insurance. Sufficient reserve is mandatory and is often monitored by state regulators and auditors. State insurance commissioners have developed these systems to ensure the solvency of financial accounting, to preserve those assets held, so that contractobligations to policyholders are met. These general accounts support only the obligations of the insurance companies--and not the obligations of a parent company or other subsidiaries.

In other words, parent companies are prevented from raiding capital from their profitable, well-capitalized life insurance company subsidiaries.

With structured settlements, personal injury clients have the peace of mind of knowing that the underlying assets enabling them to receive compensation from their injury are sheltered. Attorneys can confidently assure clients that these assets will continue to produce regular returns designed to meet immediate and long-term needs.

Structured Settlements Versus Lump Sum Payouts

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Structured Settlement Annuity Payments

Structured settlement cases have increased, and largely due to the maximum settlement awards in many lawsuits. When an individual has been the victim of an injury, directly related to the fault of a large company or corporation, the settlement deemed appropriate by the courts, is usually so large, the settlement is handled through annuity payments.

Annuity payments are divided into increments over a long period of time, sometimes over the lifetime of a claim recipient. The injured or affected parties in a settlement case usually have suffered over a long term rehabilitating process and the structured settlement annuity payments work well in providing timely access to funds needed by the injured party.

Structured Settlements

Often, in structured settlement cases, the initial annuity payments assist the injured parties to make current restitution with their accumulated medical bills, but as time goes on,the lost wages the injured party incurs, leaves a shortfall in ongoing daily expenses. Having to wait on the scheduled annuity payments becomes stressful and this actually affects the injured persons healing process in a negative manner. Adding stress or insult to injury prolongs the battle of recovery.

Once an injured party has suffered persistent stress and anxiety over their recovery time and financial concerns, they begin to reconsider if their installment payments are their best solution. They realize they do have options available to sell their structured settlement for a lump sum amount. There are companies and a few individuals willing to buy their annuity payments at a discount percentage of the total remaining value.

If a recipient of annuity payments is willing to accept a lesser total amount in a lump sum, in order to collect a final but larger immediate settlement, then the buyer of the note benefits from the entire remaining amount of the structured settlement.

Structured Settlement Annuity Payments

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Outrageous Structured Settlement Discount Rates

Selling a structured settlement can be great on many levels. Including, freeing up cash to pay for college, buying a home, or paying off debt. But, the question is, "Why do factoring companies take such a large chunk of the structured settlement or annuity?" The national average of 19.2% for a discount rate is just an absurd figure. Yes, there is a risk factor involved, taking on payments from a company that may not be around in 20 years.

The national average taken from a 2004 California Attorney's General report was 19.2%. If a structured settlement is going to be sold for a lump sum of money, the interest rates have to be much lower. A reasonable rate would be in the range of 10- 13%. With this rate both the factoring and the structured settlement owner would come out very happy.

Structured Settlements

Lets take a 0,000 structured settlement that is getting paid out evenly over the next 10 years. That is ,000 per month. With the discount rate of 19.2% over the next 10 years, equals around 2,000 to the structured settlement owner. The factoring company is taking 44% of the 0,000.

With the discount rate of around 12%, the structured settlement owner would get a payout of around 0,000, that is almost ,000 higher than the national average.

The factoring industry is heading this way in the future. It may take a few years, and a few more stunning reports, but the factoring industry is needed in many ways.

There are more and more structured settlement factoring companies offering great discount rates as low as 8%. These companies are the future of the industry.

Outrageous Structured Settlement Discount Rates

Friday, October 21, 2011

3 Types of Structured Settlement Payouts - You Decide

A structured settlement is a large amount of money awarded to an individual with an explicit disbursement schedule. The funds are paid as an electronic funds transfer to the recipient bank account over a period of time. This provides a steady income stream over the term of the agreement and usually gives a better rate of return than if the individual received a lump sum of cash and re-invested that money elsewhere.

Structured settlements can be generated from lottery payouts, insurance awards or inherited annuities from a relative's estate. The bottom line is that a structured settlement is a monthly income stream that is intended to help the recipient pay for living and medical expenses if applicable throughout the term of the agreement.

Structured Settlements

When defining a structured settlement, it is important to provide future flexibility into the agreement so that you will not only receive a steady income stream, but allow for future life situations and challenges such as college tuition for the kids.

Building flexibility into your agreement should be something your financial settlement adviser should be able to help you with. Some of the options you might consider are:

Future Cash Payments - In addition to receiving steady income on a regular basis, you may want to include set amounts added as separate payments in the future. This will provide an individual the ability to receive exact amounts on specific intervals as part of the terms of the settlement. Graduated payments - As part of your agreement, there may be an option to have the settlement configured to have graduating payments on specific anniversaries of the award. These graduated payments would be pre-determined and agreed to as part of the structured settlement. A clause that allows the payments to continue in the event the primary recipient passes. This will keep the agreement in place to ensure the total settlement is paid to the estate or other party that may have been part of the agreement.

In conclusion, your structured settlement should be based not only the immediate needs, but also have enough flexibility built into the agreement for the future. Your financial settlement advisor should be able to setup the settlement with you to help ensure the benefits of the agreement are realized over the life of the individual receiving the annuity.

3 Types of Structured Settlement Payouts - You Decide

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Structured Settlement Sales Professionals


The main way to providing quality services to clients in the annuity sector is to have structured settlement sales professionals who are able to guide clients with whatever query they may have. Personality and approach towards the client is considered very critical in business. The client should not feel he is being forced to a corner but he is gaining vital information from the sales person representing a company. Sales men have unfortunately built a bad reputation since they have been associated with badgering clients into making decisions they have not thought over, "just to get that sale."

Structured Settlements

Sales Professionals

This attitude has makes many people avoid sales men altogether and will even reject a product they require just to get the salesman away from themselves. Top companies in the business will enroll only the best structured settlement sales professionals who have receive professional training and instruct them not to force any client in to making a decision. These forced decisions do not work to the interest of the structured settlement buyers; in turn it gives the company a bad name in the market. Clients affected by the badgering clients tend to spread bad experiences they had with a company's sales men which spreads and affects its future business transaction.

Since the sales man plays a major role between the companies and the client there are some problems that need to be identified and solved to stop this downward trend that grips the sector. The main problem identified being target pressure to make sales, this pressure that companies exerted on salesmen makes them force clients in to these decisions.

Remuneration Factor

Salary/wages is another major constraint that makes them push for more sales. Since companies promised commissions for added sales they sparked a vicious cycle that ended up tarnishing sales men reputation and image in the general society. To stop this from happening companies have adopted radical changes that are aimed improving and changing attitudes of the public towards structured settlement sales professionals.

A different approach has been adopted today with companies diverting attention from door to door to marketing and concentrating more on marketing services and products on the internet. This reduces the pressure on sales men who then can concentrate on advising the clients correctly rightly without placing pressures of targets on their minds.

Current Scenario

Today there are more people spending time on the internet and it provides a wider audience to advertise to as well as being cheaper for the business. These factors have been used by many businesses today to improve sales since it not only advertises you company nationally but internationally as well. Most people who have access to the internet will resort to it when they require selling or buying a product. So instead of looking for them the game has changed to advertising so that when they look they can find you on Google first page.

After the search than the structured settlement sales professionals are able to approach and advise you. These changes are slowly improving the sales mans reputation in society and the best annuity buyers invest a lot of time and money to train the best structured settlement sales professionals to work for their companies.

Structured Settlement Sales Professionals

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tax Free Annuities

People who work for non-profit and tax exempt organizations are just like any other employee in the sense that they also need to secure their future, especially during their retirement, by investing in insurance plans and retirement plans. However, these people are different from you and me because instead of the usual 401K plan that we contribute to, they contribute to a 403B plan, which is a retirement plan that is designed for employees of tax exempt organizations. Moreover, this kind of plan allows people to invest in an annuity, which can provide other benefits apart from providing a source of income during their retirement. This is because this kind of retirement plan is also a 'tax-free' type of annuity.

How does it work?

Purchase Structured

The other name for this kind of retirement plan is a tax-sheltered annuity whereby a fixed amount of money is deducted from you paycheck, prior to taxes, as contributions to the retirement plan. With this kind of annuity, the taxes on the earnings of the retirement plan are deferred up until the people who contribute to them decide to take money from it. This means that the investment on these retirement plans can grow much faster than a traditional savings account because the tax-free interest that the plan earns can accumulate over time, providing a higher income in retirement. This income would consist not only of the interest or the earnings that the retirement plan would earn but also the principal amount, which is also protected in this kind of annuity.

However, in recent years, tax-sheltered annuities have also been made available to people who do not work for tax-exempt organizations, allowing more people to reap the benefits of having the tax payments on their earnings from these investment plans deferred. If organizations are interested in setting up a tax-sheltered annuity for their employees, one of the best sources of information on them is the Internet, which can lead them to the different financial institutions that offer them.

In the same way that most people plan for their retirement by investing in retirement plans, people who work for tax-exempt organizations also do so to secure their future. For these people, the most common retirement plan that they invest in is the tax-sheltered annuity, which renders the earnings they get from the plan to be tax-free, given that tax payments on these earnings are deferred. Given this, people who work for tax-exempt organizations are now given the chance to grow their savings faster compared to investing money in other retirement plans.

Tax Free Annuities

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Understanding Qualified Structured Settlement Assignment and Funds

A structured settlement is a way, a personal injury or workers comp case to resolve, in which the victim receives a certain sum of money and the money will be distributed through a development plan for periodic payment.

A company that goes into a structured settlement also called for a separate contract to sign an agreement qualified structured settlement assignment. And 'common practice for the assurance that the payment of the liquidation, to transfer its obligations to third partiesParty assigns. This is because the company is responsible for the victim does not want a long-term commitment of financial payments are sitting on their books. This mapping is also tax free.

Structured Settlements

This agreement is between 3 ° and the company responsible usually assigned shares of a subsidiary insurance company, who works for the party responsible.

There are two types of tasks for workers comp and personal injury cases. Are qualifiedand non-qualified structured settlement assignment. A non-qualified assignment is usually a regular payment for the wounded, but remains on the books at the appropriate companies. This appointment is not unqualified and must be qualified tax-exempt structured settlement.

Most of the lesions in this context, emotional distress and other injuries that are not physical. These types of injuries are usually not covered by insurance, but stillresponsible company obligated to pay the injured party if the case is won. A qualified structured settlement fund is a fund that is set up to allow a lawsuit with more than one claimant to be settled before the arrangement of the amounts of money are allocated.

The fund allows a defendant to negotiate their part of responsibility while the other defendants are still in litigation. This gives the defendant a simple and complete release from a multi party case. This just means that when the whole litigation is done and over with, if there are funds that have to be allocated extra, then what was originally agreed on, the defendant with the qualified fund would not have to include their company in the extra funds.

A qualified structured settlement fund must meet three requirements. It must be approved by a government entity, applicable under state law, and it must be an eligible claim.

Understanding Qualified Structured Settlement Assignment and Funds

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Tax Advantages of a Structured Settlement Annuity

If you have been awarded a large monetary settlement due to injury or malpractice, deciding how to invest or accept the funds can be a daunting task. Oftentimes, recipients will receive their court awarded funds in more than one way, but the use of a structured settlement annuity account offers several advantages when utilized in the transaction.

Structured Settlement Annuity Accounts Avoid Income Taxes

Structured Settlements

The most significant advantage an annuity account has over all other forms of settlement options is that future payments avoid income taxes. It is a common misconception when investing in an annuity that offers periodic payments, the insurance company only disperses the principal over time. This is incorrect.

In fact, structured annuities pay interest and principal to the insured each payment cycle. It does not matter how and when you receive payments, the interest generated by the internal return of the annuity is not considered taxable income by the I.R.S.

This is in stark contrast to any other means of receiving settlement dollars. Should you opt for a lump sum payment, no part of the lump sum would be taxable. However, when those same dollars are invested in a money market account, mutual fund, traditional deferred annuity, stock or bond account, then all gains would be subject to income and/or capital gains taxes.

This means that any other investment would need to create larger returns than a structured annuity to account for the loss due to income taxes. If both accounts were yielding 5%, you would have less take-home spending dollars with the lump sum investment due to the taxes owed to all levels of government.

Structured Settlement Annuities for Future Needs

Annuities are commonly used as part of a structured settlement not only to avoid income taxes, but also because they provide reliable income in the future. A serious problem with lump sum payouts is dissipation. Too often the recipient will aggressively spend through their court awarded damages in the first few years and be left with very little in the future when it may be needed most.

In other cases, poorly performing investments can quickly erode a lump sum settlement leaving less funds to generate income or to withdraw for living expenses. The stock market has witnessed precipitous loss of value twice over the last decade. Lump sum structured settlement awards, retirement accounts and discretionary investments alike can all lose significant value should the markets fall again.

In contrast, fixed annuity accounts are not subject to market fluctuations and will not decrease when the overall markets are declining. Additionally, the systematic payments will be credited on a regular and agreed upon basis helping to prevent the insured from spending their award too quickly.

In summary, a structured settlement annuity account is usually a wise choice for at least part of the funds received as a result of litigation. The annuity principal and interest payments now and in the future are not subject to income taxes. Annuities also help prevent dissipation either through poor investments and aggressive spending. Most importantly, annuity accounts have a strong track record of safety and security so you can rest assured that your payments will arrive each cycle when they are expected and needed.

Tax Advantages of a Structured Settlement Annuity

Friday, October 14, 2011

Understanding the Role of Structured Settlement Brokers

Structured settlement brokers advise lawyers of various types of annuity plans available to their clients or assist in arranging the sale of future annuity payments. This type of settlement is used to provide long-term compensation to individuals who were injured due to another person's negligence such as automobile accidents, workplace injuries, and medical malpractice.

Structured settlement brokers can be instrumental in negotiating offers. Brokers not only comparison shop for the best deals, they provide invaluable advice to lawyers and their clients to determine if this type of financial arrangement is the best option.

Structured Settlements

While injury compensation is the most prevalent use of structured settlements, annuities are also used to payout jackpot lottery winnings. Brokers can help lottery winners weigh the pros and cons of accepting the payout over 20 years vs. lump sum cash.

A unique feature of structured settlements is they can be developed to suit future financial needs of Claimants. Monetary amounts are based on a variety of factors which include current and future economic conditions along with life expectancy of Claimants.

When brokers develop financial proposals they first assess Claimant information including: credit score, employment history, and health status. Life care plans are analyzed to ensure Claimants receive proper compensation for future living expenses and medical care.

Factors which determine life expectancy include: smoking; alcohol consumption; and history of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and other health concerns. One of the primary objectives of brokers is to determine if Claimants qualify for a substandard rating.

Annuity payments are guaranteed by life insurance companies. Premiums are based on risk level ratings which include: Preferred, Standard, and Substandard. Claimants with substandard ratings are often declined life insurance policies. However, with annuities a substandard rating can sometimes provide a better rate of return.

Annuity payments provided as compensation for injury are tax-exempt, while annuities for lottery winnings may be subjected to federal and state taxation. Life insurance companies engage in investing practices to provide Claimants a higher rate of return. Proceeds earned through investments are subject to taxation for both injury and lottery settlements. If future annuities are payable to an estate they are subject to estate tax.

Annuity payments can be structured to suit the needs of the Claimant and can be paid monthly, semi-annually, annually. Installments can be equal amounts or vary. For example, if Claimants require customized medical equipment that must be replaced annually, the structured settlement can provide additional funds each year to cover expenses.

It is crucial to ensure structured settlements are precisely the way they should be before signing the agreement. Once in place, structured settlements cannot be changed without court authorization. However, in some states Claimants are allowed to sell future annuities for lump sum cash.

When selling annuity payments it is important to work with a broker who does not have an exclusive agreement with the buyer. Honorable brokers work with multiple buyers to obtain the best deal for the seller, not for their self.

It is recommended to work with a structured settlement broker registered with the Department of Justice. Brokers should also be insured against errors and omissions. It can be beneficial to conduct research to ensure brokers have a good reputation and can be trusted with sensitive information.

Understanding the Role of Structured Settlement Brokers